Helping Individuals of all ages to VOICE their Debilitating
EMOTIONS so they can Enjoy a Stress Free Life!
More About ME
How my Journey started as a Therapist…
A few years ago in the ‘blink of an eye’ a major shift occurred in my life that led me to explore my innate purpose. One after the other; from letting go of bonding relationships, to ending my fifteen plus years’ real estate career and losing a brother within days to cancer had brought me to my Reality.
Of course, my humanism kicked in with baffling questions, debilitating emotions, unable to use my Voice and the list went on. Jolted with yet another question, “What is my real purpose?” A self reflection question that haunted me in my silence. Amidst the omnipresence of stillness, my Inner Voice began to speak. Syncing into my higher self even deeper with unwavering faith trusting that my conscious revolution will navigate me to the next step and chapter of my life. I stumbled over the unknown career of becoming a ‘psychotherapist’ which heightened my beliefs of yet another tool to balance and align the HEAD and HEART. Guided with perseverance, I dedicated myself to pursue and successfully complete my Master’s level Psychotherapy program. I am a Registered Psychotherapist, with the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario, Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Certified Wellness Coach and Reiki Practitioner.
I am very grateful for the guidance I received through my Innate Free Will Spirit. It revitalizes my Inner and Outer Voice to match my True Self and to live my full potential. I feel very privilege for the interconnection with my existence. I honour the Body, Mind and Spirit in the process of generation, degeneration and regeneration for this I believe is the cyclical rhythmic dance of life and beyond.
So, here I AM